Sunday, 9 March 2025

Who Is To Blame?


"Where there is no love, there can only be destruction. Smash the planet then transcend it; leave your indelible mark on Earth while reigning triumphant in the heavens: this, I believe, is a deep, unspoken urge that helps explain Trump’s programmes. But even if, through some grim miracle, the planet wreckers succeeded, they would soon discover that no technological wonderland, no space station or Martian city, compares to what we have." George Monbiot

As I listen to news and reports from various socialist or capitalist observances I am struck by how there are laws, habits and trends that demand the attention of thoughtful people attempting to survive in our society. People who love their pets but can't afford 20 thousand dollars for an operation to save their lives. People who love their children but can't afford to send them to university even though they know how education is vital to their survival. People whose parents can't afford to buy a house or apartment to live in. 

Capitalism has come home and now we realize it's not just about fashion and fame. It has become "God". It you are rich and famous it means you are blessed by the angels and rulers of the universe. I know no-one has come out and said that in my world but I sense it is believed by billionaires and other tricksters.

While genuine people agonize over paying their bills and doing the right thing, the emperor's agonize over their new clothes, how they look to their subjects.

Royal families rule the world they don't have to live in. We can leave them to get on with it. We just have to live in the world we have very little power over.

Power is the most problematic issue for men and women. We might not fear how the future will unfold but the question of what to do to avoid being killed because we have no control over the masses and those who rule. Is never too far from our sleepless nights. And rather than waste time improving our relationships we worry about the next war or next great flood. 

Who is to blame? Is where our planning often gets stuck. And where the canny create questions to keep us awake at night. Is it capitalism, greed, women, immigrants, billionaires, government? Has the emperor won? Are we humans too stupid to survive much longer?

WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T WALLOW IN THIS QUESTION. Ask ourselves where do we spend our love? You are not expected to save the world alone, it is a universal project.

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Who Is To Blame?

  " Where there is no love, there can only be destruction. Smash the planet then transcend it; leave your indelible mark on Earth while...