Sunday, 13 September 2020

Face of the Anthro-Hyena


Here is the image of an anthro-hyena (they/their).  
See their face. They have two eyes, a nose, a mouth and two ears (which you can't see at the moment). They look just a like a human. A face with or without a beard, hair that comes in different shades. So what is the difference between an anthro-hyena and a human.

There is no difference that is recognizable from the outside. What you don't know yet is they are to blame for all the problems in this world. 

I know that throughout human social history there have always been groups of people blamed for everything. So many wars, so much violence played out on various societies all over this planet, because hate inflamed conflict. Blaming those who were not to blame at all and who were the targets of horrible crimes, often ending in genocide. Panic promoted to destroy the civil societies that had been getting along okay, not perfect but okay.

Now I am giving you some useful, life-saving information. It was never witches that caused this wholesale destruction. It was the anthro-hyena!

And the problem is they are hard to identify. They come in all colours, sizes and types. The anthro-hyena is a danger to all societies no matter how civilized or progressive they are because anthro-hyenas adapt so well wherever they settle.

Where you won't find them is in the field grazing with cattle, or the jungle hunting with the tigers, or the ocean swimming with orcas and sharks. 

So if they can't be identified why should we fear them?

They appear as though they are well educated and articulate humans.

But the key difference is this. Humans usually feel attachment to family, friends and tribes. Humans seek to belong no matter how smart or powerful they might be. Humans have emotions.

The only thing an anthro-hyena has is cunning. Everything in their life is translated into power. Every pleasure is subservient to the need to rise to the top. And they can't see it. They cannot see how much power, wealth or beauty they have been endowed with because they always need more. 

Megalomania is the term used to describe the constant striving for power over everything. Remember Yurtle the Turtle, the Grinch, Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin? They have been labled megalomaniacs. There is a lot of documentation that suggests megalomania ultimately destroys great empires. Yet no matter how educated or enlightened humans become we fall for the certainty of authoritarian regimes. Not all of us, of course, just enough of us to corrupt our governments so they fall apart and suddenly we learn we have been pushed out of the conversation and our opinions no longer matter.

Anthro-hyenas are the designers and crafters that sell the system to an unsuspecting public.  It is not an easy task. Only a few have the 'talent' to do this. 

Anthro-hyenas can be found in powerful corporations, governments, police and military forces; wherever the focus is on power. 

They are articulate, smart, fashionable and teflon coated. They never take their eyes off the goal, every action, word, sentiment and effort is directed to getting to the top or enabling their client to get to the top. 

They create values that are super-human such as the GDP, current fashion, brand, status and strategic plans so that human values such as family, contentment, compassion and empathy don't count.

Once we have rid our society of human values we are thrown out of the Garden of Eden. The apples, the trees, snakes and metaphors are stored in foreign bank accounts and life is starved to death.

But don't go looking for the anthro-hyena. They are shape-shifters. Don't waste time blaming anything or anyone, just do what you can for your life and the people you love who depend on just communities, shared responsibilities. Live as generously as you can, give as much of yourself as you can, comfort as many as you can. Look to the first nations as examples of what life was like before the anthro-hyena turned the fields into colonies.

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