Monday, 3 August 2015

Harper's Economic Performance Graph

article by Jeremy J. Nuttall. Unifor's Report on Harper's Economic Performance, The Tyee. July 31, 2015


  1. From the Tyee report:
    Trickle down economic theory and tax cuts have been a miserable failure for the Canadian economy, he said, pointing out the U.S. economy is "roaring" at the moment and Canada is not latching on.

    The report rates Lester B. Pearson as the most successful prime minister when it comes to economic performance, scoring an overall 2.41.

    Listed as the second most successful is the sworn enemy of Conservatives, Pierre Trudeau.


Message from George Monbiot

"This week Trump ordered the  mass destruction  of national forests and other protected lands by the timber industry, to be overseen by...