Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Simple Small Ways of Living


Throughout human history, the world and all that is reachable has been hijacked to give leverage to the ruler. The one in whom we trusted to lead us. But there has been an habitual abuse of power to entrench the powerful in their position.

Yes there are leaders who have contributed a lot to human well being including taking care of all that we rely on to live healthy lives.

Today it's very difficult to be a leader who wants to be responsible and who wants life on this planet to thrive. 

There is one thing though that is essential. That is to use our power for the greater good. Not to feel powerful.

If we become so used to abusive power as to believe that responsible power is a naive dream, we offer no way out, and the world becomes more and more violent.

We need to be clean in our use of power. We need to use power responsibly. To play power games is more than irresponsible, it replaces political engagement with grotesque ego displays of violence and hate.

To believe that all politicians and leaders are corrupt, only interested in their show of strength, means we have no way of changing anything. It means we are merely chickens and rats in a barn.

Many people have organized ways to help refugees who have had to flee their homes. They do this for no personal reward. They suffer compassion. They have a conscience. There is more of them than the corrupt rulers who only serve their own appetites for power.

Power is a means to organize with others, ways to make life livable, even joyful. There may never be a time when the job is done. The more we create a just society, the more our ideas will open up other ways of living.

Are you laughing? Feeling smug with your worldly cynicism? Do you laugh with the bullies? Have you become content with being an isolated ego? Are you proud of the things you own? Can you trust those who claim to love you?

Do you live in constant fear?

Between now and when I die I am hoping to do whatever I can to make life easier for others. This is not idealism. It's a sane way to live. Nothing spectacular. No big prizes. No fame. Just mend the tears that I can. Just care about the sensitive most creative aspects of this world of breathing creatures.

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