Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Fascism in our World

"The self—and its extension in the symbolism of the group—is exalted and mighty, destined by history to be victorious over all enemies. The other is collapsed into almost comical exaggerations of evil. It is no joke, however, that in the totalistic extension of dualistic thinking the evil other must be exterminated. Paranoia, in other words, lies at the heart of this fundamentalist mindset, just as the extremity of such a mindset tends toward the apocalyptic."

I have been guilty of assuming the most qualified human is chosen to lead the nation and find it galling that all other values are subsumed into the primary goal of maintaining power over "the masses".

Fascism and War is a sign of social decay because "social" has been swallowed entirely by the fear of communism, or that white males will become extinct and so the emphasis is on the warrior skills of males to maintain the "contract".

This takes us back before humanity evolved from the ape. It idealizes the sociopathic nature that schemes for positioning.

In professions where people are trained to care for health or justice you will see how a new department manager might organize the humiliation and sacking of the highest positioned employee - to get rid of any narrative of how things work. Employees who otherwise were the most liked, most reasonable are dismissed so that the new "leader" can do as he/she pleases. 

This is the point where the rest of the "team" becomes alienated and silenced because the smooth running of the organization or "the greater good" is no longer needed for the success of the corporation. In fact jealousies and abuse rule over the well being of the industry and all else is subsumed beneath the ego of the manager.

Knowledge and truth are to be killed and equality, civility and even production must be down played. The production of marshmallows is merely a front for the play out of dominion and threats to the majority. Power like money must be sent offshore in hidden accounts.

Politics must produce fear, guns and bombs. The majority must fear the public places while control is in the offices of a minority of secret agendas. Women and minorities live in fear of random violence. Politicians must simultaneously promise a just world while dismantling the links that hold it together.

Just in case we remember what it means to be well and just, entertainments must focus on brutality: the freedom fighters versus the cruel world.

So that five or six families in the world feel comfortable in their endless rule, the servants of powers-that-be must eliminate the best of human nature in our society. So life must be sacrificed for power. 

However the anonymous masses are unknown and our potential is yet to be displayed. We are not dead yet.

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