Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Conspiracy to Care for Those Who Care


a poem to smooth you into

sympathy with another being

a way to identify with your tribe

with affection more than DNA

you have been great for

3 hundred thousand years

carrying that big brain

wherever you went

but tools, language, storytelling

appeared later

invention of types, races, genders

brave new worlds of organized

relationships and religions

revolutions of industry

knowledge, schools, churches

—so this booklet is a conspiracy

of support for those who care

for our health—a common objective

the greater good

to belong to the universe

and all its stars forever.

This is the introduction to the booklet printed to thank our health care workers. Most of the booklets have already been distributed now.

I would like to thank all who contributed poems to the booklet and to Elizabeth Sheffrin who contributed the cover comic. 

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