Saturday, 5 March 2022

Are Our Emotions Spent Trying to Replace Weapons With Wisdom?

The primary lesson in war is that we as distinct individuals do not matter. We become numbers. Fodder. Objects. Life, once precious and sacred, becomes meaningless, sacrificed to the insatiable appetite of Mars."

Millions have been allocated in weapons by the European Union for Ukraine. Biden administration has asked Congress to provide $6.4 billion in funding to assist Ukraine. 

"The merchants of death are Satanic. The more corpses they produce,  the more their bank accounts swell. They will cash in on this conflict, one that now flirts with the nuclear holocaust that would terminate life on earth as we know it." writes Chris Hedges.

Chomsky writes "the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a major war crime, ranking alongside the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the Hitler-Stalin invasion of Poland in September 1939, to take only two salient examples." 

Toxic machismo demands a preference for man-made things rather than the feminine worldview and labour.

Men cannot give birth to babies and have failed to notice all the ways in which they support life with their art, music, manufacturing, medicines, education. Of course it takes a man's lust to seed the eggs of women's bodies. This is obvious but celebrations of life are unseen by alpha males.

So should we see the race towards annihilation of all life, that comes when men compete for absolute power, as a mental illness? Psychopathology? Megalomania?

These conditions are noted in the DSM? But generally men are very shy of connecting the crippling conditions of war, and the absolute cruelty that traumatizes everyone involved.

War creates the appetite to see just how much we can hurt others. It's not just Hitler, Stalin and Trump all who were damaged emotionally. 

The way we raise males to dismiss or ignore feelings because they are not manly, has also affected the females who seek to find a place where men have dominated.

Masculinity has not triumphed over morality or rationality. Femininity becomes a victim of current values. Capitalism becomes a crocodile when justice is dismissed.

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