Monday, 28 March 2022

Our Economic Thinking is Making Us Mentally Ill


"Neoliberalism seeks to shift how human beings exist in the world, to change how we relate to each other and what we expect from life. Over time, we move from considering ourselves mutually responsible beings with a shared fate to isolated atoms liable solely for our own lives. Gradually, we shift from empowered citizens to people destined for servitude to arbitrary economic powers that lay well beyond our reach or understanding."  Institute for New Economic Thinking. Lynn Parramore (found on Truthout).

I look back on growing up, astonished how selfish I was "trained to categorize (my) fellows according to whether they win or lose, sensing that you should just give up on activities in where you don’t “excel.”

I never excelled at anything and never received the prizes required as proof I had succeeded. Yet I said and did things that made me shudder as I recall them today.

It was much later when in my fifties I discovered I had "low self esteem."

I had a home, a loving husband, three beautiful children and was average in looks, although a bit plump.

Where did such a claim come from? I did not claim power over others, even when a woman came into my office to tell me I had to force my employer to acknowledge women and marginalized people by getting the speakers to talk on social justice, which conservative board members didn't like. Or when I failed to "correct" the behaviour of clients.

So all the "training" I had received about how to be popular and how nothing could be achieved if I was not, and all the well polished vanities I carried, had to be trashed.

Eventually I woke up as the power of wise caring friends helped me get through depression and anxiety. I met good teachers at University who were encouraging even though I was much older than the average student. 

Gratitude took me everywhere I looked.  In that city people were still suffering. People who were poor, homeless, rejected and abused were destroyed.

There is no philosophy I know of that can help those who are trashed. Yes there is yoga, fitness, and friends but no-one  who sleeps on the street can be comfortable. Being at peace with hunger and cold takes enormous discipline and focus.

There is no esteem for the self or others without belonging in sweat and beauty. Our economy and its cheer-leaders express contempt for the ordinary family based values which comes from generations of shared family and community found in the soul's memory when all the tricks and habits of fashion no longer work, there is a small voice within showing how you belong. You are here and all the judgements and vanities you have accumulated no longer matter. Strip back all that is superficial and you'll find the beauty.

The Soul will always be with us until  humanity becomes extinct, and we are replaced by robots. 

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