Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Do You Wonder Why Discrimination is a Powerful Tool?


Why is white supremacy still troubling our world? Why is homophobia still with us? What is it about women that men hate so much? Why are people with disabilities marginalized? What is it about consumerism that goes beyond the village shop and farmers market? Why is affordable housing such a threat to some? Why is socialism a threat to our system? What is socialism?

White Supremacy: From the Roman Empire onward white men have been trained to value muscle and dismiss emotion. Forays into poetry, novels and art are tolerated but barely rewarded with money. The pecking order dictates behaviour in relation to those employed.

Homophobia: This has not been reported in earlier accounts. It became a thing in later years after capitalism had established rules of engagement. When two men set up a home together they don't produce children or spend their lives in the office. They relate to the psyche of other men and learn what is the emotional reality of their lives while a family man is busy trying to work in a competitive hostile (to feelings) environment.

Misogyny: In order to build armies of men willing to fight in endless wars, a cult of masculinity must be established. Creating hatred for the other is easier than learning to love the rulers. Women learn there is a life beyond the office because they carry that life for nine months. Yes men learn about their attachment to life through their children but it's their homelife not their main life.

Disability: means a body that doesn't fit into workforce norm which controls our values of success and desire. The body must support capitalism or capitalism will fail. The body is the servant to the factory, The factory is not the servant to the body although we are told that it must serve the society. The salaries of CEO's far outweigh every other profession. CEO's are the Royal Family now.

Consumerism: is the current religion. You must be enthusiastic about whatever capitalism produces. You are expected to stay awake all night while you line up for the things "you must have" in order to be a devout capitalist. To purchase only what you need is to be a heathen, an enemy of the state. Consumerism needs you to feel incomplete, empty of your own self and adorn the world with big houses, private jets and designer clothes.

Affordable Housing: is a threat because it competes with the idea that housing is a status symbol. If everyone gets housing and we don't see how tortured and battered the homeless are, the idea of gentrification switches the landscape from money and achievement to community, and once we allow community in as something we need, the economy becomes a way to serve humanity rather than the other way around.

Socialism: is a threat to the establishment of power over all. I know that socialist societies have allowed Stalin and Hitler to destroy society but that was because we were too afraid to pay attention, to see what they did was violence to spread fear, not socialism.

I don't really know what socialism is. Please tell me.

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