Thursday, 3 March 2022



Devoured by news bites

children cry in hunger for a small crust

but they are the offspring of humans

had they been pipelines they might have survived.

No,  humans are destined for extinction

—too costly almost unpredictable

carnivorous, eating too much of this planet

enslaved by ego no longer knowing who they are

olfactory nerves teased by a whiff of hope

homeless shelters of men 

taught emotions are lies and get in the way

—dignity an empty bank account.

On the menu: leg of Russia, dumplings Ukraine

bbq’d New York, Sushi, or the whole lot blended 

into Creamed Nato 

for dessert.

What will anthropologists find beneath

the surface of our graveyards?

What tools will identify the skills of this pillage 

now denying the heart or mind any peace?

What do the poets think? 

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The Reason For World Poverty