Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Weaving a Future From Dreams and Wisdom


"Harris is the rule of law; Trump, lawlessness. Harris, inclusion; Trump, exclusion. Harris, decency; Trump, loathsomeness. Harris, the American Dream; Trump, the American nightmare. Harris wants the best for the country; Trump wants the best only for himself. I don’t need to go on. You know all this. The question is why doesn’t everyone else? " Robert Reich.

 “By fascism I just have in mind (1) the cult of personality of a Leader; (2) the party that becomes a single party; (3) the threat and use of violence; and (4) the big lie that must be accepted and used to reshape reality: in this case, that Trump can never lose an election.” Robert Paxton (The Tyee, Nov. 5)

I have only heard a couple of people explain why they are voting for Trump, and I sense, which is not proof or rational judgement, and it seems like they don't really know or cannot articulate.

So I have a theory, based on feelings not logic, not provable, that its somewhat like a nice cup of tea, known, warm and comforting.

I also believe that our most common theories work like a blanket on an infant's cot. We are not ready to give it up, so when we do our worst, when we are left without any way to tackle it, trying to overcome grief and shame, we'll find something to blame.

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