Saturday, 2 November 2024

The Wheel of Justice


When a narcissist with great ambitions takes over the media, daily reports keep telling us we have no hope.  It's not because of some mysterious reason. Bullies begin by threatening your neighbours and friends and the isolated egos who struggle to survive feel overwhelmed, the power we need is to do what is needed.

It's not easy because most people do not think they have power over others or the kind of power to change the course of events. Most of us think in terms of personal actions. What can an ordinary person do?

That we live in a time where power is in media, wealth and fame, puts the majority of people in the faceless, nameless public.

For centuries, no matter where you live, we are told we live in a hierarchical society. The nation sets up gates in the city where most of us are locked out of metaphorically high towers.

But it's not just one narcissist who is concerned here. We are living in a time where many people are looking for justice and the power of love to get us through this. Of course we don't have a plan to take over the hunger for money, power and fame. We don't have a gun that will make everyone kind and brave, instantly.

The long war against human greed and violence is still being fought although its very difficult to point out what we can do about it. It's not an easy fix. There are too many monsters in the way.

These monsters are not just a particular group of people. Not just misguided Christians, Capitalists and Truck Drivers. Not just white people. Not just males. If we want to blame a particular group we could say humans but humans are also the doctors, the nurses, the teachers, the students and the shop owners.

These monsters have written poetry, songs, built cars, homes and shopping centres. They are everywhere. They are us after having been traumatized in the centuries old habit of struggling to win. So in our desire to get rid of them we can't send them to jail or hang them.

We cannot win our battle to define then imprison THE BAD GUYS. We have to change the way human society works. Not with games and prizes. But with the heart and the stomach and the eyes and the ears.

With words to up our own dedication to the nameless cause of future survival.

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