Thursday, 7 November 2024

Man As Saviour Woman As Nuisance.

 This might seem outrageous but I see our planet becoming antilife and pro power unless we wake up to what is happening.

The recent election coverage broadcast in Canada, revealed how controllers of the world have become more famous and adored. Love for the arts, music, literature, education and social engagement have become irritants to politicians.

Reporters want more sports, more winners and leaders, more wars, more death, more toys, more power.

We have reached the stage where reality is replaced with ego. This means that the feminine has become redundant, not in reality, but in choice.

Man has become more aggressive, more angry, more judgemental and more violent. As in the time of Hitler who wanted to be in control. Of everything.

We might call this narcissism which has been the major focus for leaders and although we might dismiss this as extreme, I remember thinking that the candidate for president must have more conscience than the one recently.

Grab her by the pussy, bitches, cat ladies, idiots -- have returned as misogynist anger, but I can't help but think as we take away the privilege of white men, they are incensed to be seen as privileged rather than great leaders.

Rulers do not care about how others see them. They feel they have proven they are miles above everyone else, and they have earned that position by their own gifts. Rulers are demigods not humans.

The people of colour, women, gays and others simply don't belong here. It's a feeling deeply rooted in the ego who has been praised for winning the war, whatever and whenever it is.

To be a firefighter, doctor, nurse, pastor, teacher, politician, police officer - takes courage and strength when they work with others for the greater good. Society doesn't exist in war or political battles. There are winners and losers. That's all.

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