Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Humanity 101 - we already know this

 We think humans are one species but we behave as if we are many and we have to beat the others. We must win even if we don't know who or what it is we have to win. So we muscle in, go to war, and kill our relatives.

In this climate it is wrong to find the truth, to use our curiosity, our courage, our love for life.
Why is it we must hate and kill?
Because the most stupid are the most terrified.
What are we terrified of? We might be wrong? Our tribe may see us as stupid? Or that we may be tortured to death because we are not stupid enough?
The current unexamined power are those who have guns but no brains. Brains are a form of torture. The president does not have the most power.
That power goes to the key that unlocks the box. An inanimate box that holds the key to the box not owned by anyone or anything.
I don't know. No-one knows. Even the President is not allowed to know. This way we are all kept powerless. Nobody, no breathing person knows.
We humans are waiting for the big flood or fire to kill us all. Why?

Are we afraid that women will take over the men who have been trained to NOT THINK TOO MUCH, to rule the planet according to minutes of the last meeting?

We could learn the power-of-the-universal hug. We could lift the world up with our love and care. Find the power of compassion, support, wisdom and thinking through our problems as if we are all related. House and feed every human who needs it. Make health care available. Help those who need help.

I know this is the role of women, teachers, doctors and dentists. The warrior was trained so we could forget the power of loving kindness.

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