Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Requiem for Humanity


Sometimes we were given opportunities to improve our lot, but because it was offered to all, not just to you and me, we didn't see the value in it. We became social crocodiles. We voted against it because we believed that true power was only given to a special minority. We were still children in a moral sense, behaving badly.

We looked for politics that would make us special. We didn't understand that uplifting all of life would also uplift us.  And because we wanted special status we never blamed ourselves for the outcomes, we would jeer and laugh at the ridicule shown to others in a short moment of smugness.

This is how we lost the world, allowed those who did the work to be burned as witches, murdered as queers, hung as Africans. We are in the minority but we decide the fate of the future of all.

When people go hungry and homeless while a special few fly jets to different planets, we are saying life is common, not special. Then we treat each other as trash.

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