Sunday, 24 November 2024

Surviving the Politics of This Time

Certainly the corporate media today emphasizes the few who are at the top of the capitalist chart. Only business and money counts. Life without money is a slow hungry death. In between now and then will be stories of the vain narcissist, the talented hungry masses, and the large number of people who have been forsaken by the capitalist dream - to watch ordinary people quietly go mad while the extraordinary few brag, laugh and engage in silly games to show off their special cruelty.

The effective real people doing a lot of fixing and fix-up and caring, while the media ignores them as they promote pictures of a very small minority gloating over their fame and power. The silent masses will be weeping quietly. The wisdom accumulated from hard working genuine people will be forgotten.

First we can forget the mainstream. Go to the groups that are struggling, pouring all their energy into helping those who need help, creating space for the ideas that are most needed.

Then we can focus on the reality of our situation and do whatever we can to help. The first thing is to acknowledge we depend on one another to survive then move forward on that.

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