Saturday, 31 August 2019

Dear America

When I came to this continent I met Ralph Waldo Emerson
and society as a home built by friendship 
and barns built by community.

Jobs for and with people — but you were awed by capitalism 
the transcendence of economy above sentiment, 
fantastic things, celebrity, the remaking of men 
and woman — a toy to play with
that only a few souls could influence.

The universal church of screens, talking heads and red lips, 
new words for new meanings, crash and bang 
you made it up and presented us with Jesus the superstar 
and Trump the christ — in the new world anyone can be 
a balloon floating on air and who needs real people 
when you can turn it on and turn it off again
but we cannot escape the meaning of this wizard who replaced 
shamans, kings and emperors with prisons for profit.  
Let them eat candy floss.

While the great fascists of Europe were fed oil and gas
you were singing in the rain and loving Lucy and we 
lapped it up like cream and sugar allowing Albert Einstein 
and Hannah Arendt to teach truth which nearly caught on
until the next economist came out with new puffs
and by then we were marshmallow chums
singing kumbaya around the campfire
more fun than British Bulldogs
(bobby sox were not for the stiff upper lip)
and those hippies knew how to put an end to war
until the neo-liberal economy crossed out
every living thing from the Amazon Forrest
to the orca whale and all that remains
is the lizard brain and far-sighted raptor.

Neo-nazi’s, I suspect,  are supported by two camps 
those afraid the people will create a new future
and those traumatized before they met tenderness.

Now the continent must be returned
to the earth and its inhabitants
or wordless bonfires without borders
will finish the game.


  1. "Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American essayist, lecturer, philosopher, and poet who led the transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century." Don't know this "Emmerson" guy!!
    Seriously though: a fine piece with commendable ideas.

  2. Thanks Bob. Have corrected the spelling.


The Reason For World Poverty