Friday, 9 August 2019


Many conversations in news media write as though the trends toward fascism are chosen by the people. But the media writes as though it includes democratic activity yet it doesn't. It writes about catastrophe even though it seems normalized. So I want to note here some things reveal we are not stupid, selfish and greedy.

David Leonhardt, of The New York Times, writes of Florida's Amendment 4, a ballot supported by a majority of voters to restore voting rights to 1.4 million people convicted of a felony in their past but who could not, because of poverty, pay off their fines. But the state legislature, controlled by Republicans passed a bill that undermined this amendment and the Governor signed that bill. This is a case of the legislature rescinding the wish of general voters.

Last night The Lions Club of Gabriola put on a show, Concert on the Green, to raise funds for social programs that help families and children. Hundreds of people attended. Hundreds volunteered to put this show together. We enjoyed the afternoon and evening together celebrating community.

I tell myself to remember that big institutions like government, media, business — may preach theories of what people want but it doesn't include all people. It includes those who are trying to survive in a constructed community who have lived on the theories created to affirm their views. 

Media must make a profit to survive and so its headlines will come from its own needs — sensational to win readers. Governments must win the most votes to be in power but once they are, the voters needs will be replaced with whatever they think will keep them in power.  These are constructs of self-interest not public interest.

Yes we need governments and media, but mostly we need community. Mostly we need people who care and who are willing to let their members of parliament know.

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