Wednesday, 21 August 2019

League of Canadian Poets -- chapbook to spotlight work of Black poets

The LCP Chapbook Series is now accepting submissions for a chapbook which will spotlight the work of Black poets, to be published in 2020. In celebration of contemporary writing in Canada, the chapbook will amplify Black voices that continue to enrich, question, and propel literature in Canada, playing a part in doing-away with single-thread narratives of the Black Canadian experience. We specifically encourage writers with intersecting marginalized identities to submit. 
Poets may submit 1-3 poems for consideration. Guest editor Chelene Knight will select 1-2 poems by 10 poets. Chelene wants to see writing that pushes the rigid boundaries of form and writing that’s infused with an unapologetic voice. 
The chapbook will be designed and hand-sewn by Nicole Brewer, the League’s Administrative Director and one half of the words(on)pages team. Contributors will receive payment of $25 per published poem plus 3 copies of the chapbook. There is no submission fee. 
The submission deadline is October 31, 2019. The chapbook will be published during Black History Month (February) 2020. 
Submission guidelines: 
  • Poetry submissions may consist of one to three previously unpublished (print or online) poems in any style (including prose poems).Hybrid forms are highly encouraged by the editor. 
  • Length is flexible, though poems longer than 2 pages will be considered only if they are of exceptional quality and no longer than 4 pages. 
  • All submissions should be in doc, docx, or PDF format. 
  • Include a cover letter with your name, email address, and a short (100 words or under) bio. If you would like to identify yourself as belonging to an equity-seeking group, please mention it in your cover letter. 
  • All submissions must be sent to
  • We accept simultaneous submissions. If your piece is accepted elsewhere, please notify us immediately. 
Submissions are open to members of the League of Canadian Poets. With this project, the League aims to create space and facilitate representation for marginalized poets and we recognize that folks holding marginalized identities may face barriers to access in gaining membership to the League. We are committed to working with those folks facing barriers, specifically financial barriers, who have an interest in participating in this project. Please email if the cost of membership is a barrier to your participation in the League.

For more information:

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