Tuesday, 20 August 2019

New Political Party starting now

Planet Earth Party

After reading about the ban on climate change discussions at Election debates I have started a new Political Party.  It's called Planet Earth Party.

I am currently looking for people to join and someone to lead the party. If you are interested send me an email here: Planet Earth Party.  State your manifesto, your name and your experience as a citizen of Planet Earth.

The first point on our mandate will be to make it illegal to talk about anything that does not relate to a sustainable future on this planet.

This may sound extreme but we believe that any politics that does not benefit all of humanity is dangerous.

We do not care how you dress, what language you speak, the colour of your skin, where you were born, whether you are skinny or fat, or even if you can hold an argument.

A manifesto will be written and publicized soon.

If we get elected we promise to care more for this planet and all its sentient beings than any other issue, and we shall make decisions based on that value.

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