Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Mental Instability creates Political Instability

Invasive Weed
"On Monday, Maxime Bernier sent out a string of tweets attacking Greta Thunberg, the student environmental activist. The leader of the new People’s Party seeks to bring to Canada a poison afflicting many democracies: the collapse of convention."
John Ibbitson, Globe and Mail. 

People: please don't confuse political trends as public voice.   Watch for the tricksters who create public consent. They are in politics, education, business and media of course. (I am not saying these institutions have failed but propaganda is an invasive weed.)

People of integrity who value peace and social justice know how all things must be weighed and considered in our choices — how we react, who we vote for, who we believe, and who we can see through.

Does anyone believe that Trump, Bolsonaro, Boris Johnson are working for the greater good?

Yes they do but you have to check their particular interests. Why do they hate environmentalists, women, refugees and those with different religious faiths? Because their livelihood depends on maintaining a state of self-interested ignorance?

Conversely why do some feel absolute contempt for politics, education, and humanity in general — they are willing to invest in guns, violence and hate?

Setting up barricades against public conversation and engagement, is not a trend, it's a manipulation of public sentiment.

Greta Thunberg has single mindedly used her will to act in a way that gives us an example of how humanity could take back the future.

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