Friday, 27 September 2019

The Mind and Heart Speaks (for Greta Thunberg)


You have said the right things
made the right, bold, fearless accusations 

We are moved by shame and guilt
years of vanity and dreams
small crumbs of hope
even though we know better.

As you say — the science speaks
and I fear your success
like any success
makes it difficult to step back
into the torch bearing crowd
for the next scene.

You must not carry the cross alone
no matter how they implore you.

Rage has a mind of its own
and once released may turn on you
make demands.

Let them go, find a brief peace.
Now we need the choir to sing what is known, 
over and over, until our parts are clear to us.

You are the shofar at sunset
now the rest of us must find
our instruments before the dawn.

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