Wednesday, 27 March 2024

What's Happening Here

Apart from a war that kills innocent children,  my nervous system feels as though this is another war against life and living. This has been going on and off since humanity consolidated itself centuries ago.

Life and living takes up a lot of room in media, politics, religion and business. Yes I know this is not a newfound idea, this is not woke material. But there are things that puzzle me.

Facebook. On my feed is a selection of images supposedly uploaded by different "friends". One of them is called Dawn French Fan Club where an image of flesh pierced with blackheads and pimples shows up every time I sign on to Facebook.

Who is the target of this image? Is it Dawn French who has way more intelligence that posting this image continually, would imply? Is it left wing feminist ideas? I have not found a way to delete this "fan club" posting?

If it's Dawn French who is a successful comedian, what would the reason be?

Misogyny is showing up a lot in comments sections responding to women columnists. Does the Patriarchy feel their power is under attack by humans who develop integrity and work towards social justice and peace? Is White Supremacy a movement to keep the public afraid of the "other". Christianity has slipped in some of its teachings by focusing on the flaws of women like Eve. Making the feminine gender a servant to masculine warmongering. Raising boys to be silent about their feelings has been very successful. Ridiculing men who are not winning all the time?

The trouble with religion is that it requires integrity to maintain its power. There is much wisdom in the bible which is overlooked for the entertainment of the outrageous.

Whatever seems so stupid is published in society over and over again but only if it benefits those who are fearful of peace, justice and sustainability. That is those who fear losing the privilege of being at the top.

Generally we speak of racism, fascism, equality and wealth, as ways of preserving status quo. But this might be a threat to those who have built their success on fear, cruelty and violence. Authoritarian class systems only benefit those at the top who nonetheless feel they are at risk from the masses.

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