Saturday, 30 March 2024

My Advice To The Royals

The small mindedness of some media outlets should not be taken seriously. Big bullies act in different ways for the same outcome. To feel they have won, they have power over others.

This element in human nature is global and eternal and we, the commoners are the ones who must cease to be impressed by egos who think they are winning when they put down or cause pain. 

You know this of course. We all know this yet media, capitalism and politics keep using tricks to "win" the smallest outcome with the greatest harm.

It's common sense but when the opportunity arises to get the better of someone else we stoop to win. I have seen this in women and men who have been traumatized or bruised by the idea they are only worth what they have "won". 

"What happens when we are led to believe, by an authority that's hard to dismiss,  we are isolated units competing for the most of what each of us wants?" I cannot find or remember who wrote it. I saw it back in the 1970's and it has remained with me since then.

When bullies live at home it makes those who have to live with them miserable and even traumatized.

I have annoyed really wise men and women when I present this question in public. But with a rich powerful nation killing children and an even more powerful nation funding it, all while we see the devastation happening to oceans and forests years after we were warned that climate change is threatening the future of our children and their children.

And the end of our time here is approaching.

Ignore the small-minded irritations and dive into the warmth of kindness, the slayer of human vanity. No matter who you are, how much money you have, or your job description - you are a member of the human family. Our duty is to do whatever we can to save life, not by being in charge or superior, not by elevating the worth of your blood, but by holding on to your integrity. No the press will not thank you for it and the commoners will not see it, but your subconscious will continue to advise you.

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