Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Thoughts on Israel, Palestine, Jews, Christians, Muslims and Americans


Here is a  conversation between Chris Hedges and Rabbi Shaul Magid.  Two educated people who are articulate and aware of their humanity. https://chrishedges.substack.com/p/the-chris-hedges-report-with-rabbi? 

But this issue around the depravity of war and violence is not so much about Jews and Palestinians as it is about an opportunity for other humans to spout their beliefs and their thoughts.

We (humans) should not try and defend our past or blame others. The othering habit is powerful. I have done it for more than 70 years and I understand how convenient it is in this post colonial world. I have used the labelling of people for different reasons quite religiously even though it gets us into trouble. So all the opinions and articles I've read are piercing their way through my mind and stomach. The problem is I still love people. I am dependent upon them. 

My preference is for humans to be present when expressing thoughts but right at this moment there is only one in this room where I have read numerous ideas on Facebook and listened to programs on the radio. But I still come back to this: what is the point of my opinion at this time? What does it matter to the children dying in Gaza or the people who have to get along with others in Israel?

Then I am reminded I was born in England where colonial rule was devastating to all the people with brown complexion and black curls surrounding their beautiful faces. So I suspect my readers think I am being too soft and should just put this computer down and get on with my own little life.

However my own life bumps up against other lives. And others are suffering beyond endurance. Politically I have a part to play representing the conscience of humanity floating like a cloud in the sky, as if that cloud can carry on without us. And I am not a hero.

Somewhere on this earth I must reach out to humanity. Not to say there there. Comfort is not what I have. I do have experience living here and I am totally against the violence while acknowledging the courage of individuals who have, for the sake of providing a home and food to their family entered the force. They are told what to do. They signed up to defend their side but have little control over the orders given. For me to sit in my living room making judgements only pushes the anxiety further into the battle ground.

What I hear is how cruel we have become. How will that help the future?

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The Reason For World Poverty
