Friday, 8 March 2024

Happy International Women's Day



has known the hunger of a gentle touch

has watched the heavy breast get heavier

stroked the bulging stomach

the hunger then red river of death

this body also watched life grow

in its outer shape

a balloon so hungry

determined to suck up all nutrients

and sugars that enter

and finally the pain

pushing out its contents

a coiled he or she

kicking for more space

its song no-one can hear

pushed stopped

pushed again

relaxed again

pushed and pushing

and pushing until

its parcel slips out

with fluid red and pink

a colour I have no name for

like a burst pipe freeing

its contents so the newborn

can be free

a screeching squaling

newcomer flailing

with all its might

empties its own body

ready for the next meal

in the heavy aching breast

full of warm sweet love.

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