Saturday, 2 March 2024

Sunshine starts in the hearts and minds of good people

Really good people read the news, read the books, listen to friends and family, play guitar or flute, learn how to sing and how to listen to others.

Reading the work of Sima Elizabeth Shefrin, her stories of humans getting along peacefully, and the art that appears to  comfort us as if we can get through anything as long as we have respect and compassion.

Their goodness doesn't need awards or medals, but their spirit needs to be acknowledged. Media seeks drama, but goodness needs reality for it to prosper. People need nutritious food, shelter, friends and purpose. Which also means access to health care and education.

We are at risk of losing what we have become accustomed to. Trinkets and entertainment enable us to amuse ourselves to death. We urgently need to recognize depth in society.

It has taken centuries to learn how to thrive and this helps us survive. To say I love you to those we love, to bake cookies or prepare a nutritious meal, is worth much more than being a politician, yet we glamourize and ooze over Prime Ministers. Yes we need people who will fulfill roles in maintaining integrity in leadership. We don't need tricksters who turn society upside down by promoting leadership as a form of entertainment, or entertainment as leadership.

A wealth of possessions does not make a better person if that's all they are interested in. That's a fairy tale. Unfortunately corporate media upholds wealth as an extraordinary accomplishment and  we should lick their boots.

To criticize the obvious is not much better. We might see trends as threatening our future but let's not shower morally ill narcissists with adoration for starving humanity of self respect. Lets not annoint heroes with our worship when their power brings suffering to others.

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