Saturday, 30 March 2024

My Advice To The Royals

The small mindedness of some media outlets should not be taken seriously. Big bullies act in different ways for the same outcome. To feel they have won, they have power over others.

This element in human nature is global and eternal and we, the commoners are the ones who must cease to be impressed by egos who think they are winning when they put down or cause pain. 

You know this of course. We all know this yet media, capitalism and politics keep using tricks to "win" the smallest outcome with the greatest harm.

It's common sense but when the opportunity arises to get the better of someone else we stoop to win. I have seen this in women and men who have been traumatized or bruised by the idea they are only worth what they have "won". 

"What happens when we are led to believe, by an authority that's hard to dismiss,  we are isolated units competing for the most of what each of us wants?" I cannot find or remember who wrote it. I saw it back in the 1970's and it has remained with me since then.

When bullies live at home it makes those who have to live with them miserable and even traumatized.

I have annoyed really wise men and women when I present this question in public. But with a rich powerful nation killing children and an even more powerful nation funding it, all while we see the devastation happening to oceans and forests years after we were warned that climate change is threatening the future of our children and their children.

And the end of our time here is approaching.

Ignore the small-minded irritations and dive into the warmth of kindness, the slayer of human vanity. No matter who you are, how much money you have, or your job description - you are a member of the human family. Our duty is to do whatever we can to save life, not by being in charge or superior, not by elevating the worth of your blood, but by holding on to your integrity. No the press will not thank you for it and the commoners will not see it, but your subconscious will continue to advise you.

National Observer and Truth About Carbon Tax

Be aware of  opportunists who will say and do anything to win. They are the ones who will drown a ship just to get publicity.

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

What's Happening Here

Apart from a war that kills innocent children,  my nervous system feels as though this is another war against life and living. This has been going on and off since humanity consolidated itself centuries ago.

Life and living takes up a lot of room in media, politics, religion and business. Yes I know this is not a newfound idea, this is not woke material. But there are things that puzzle me.

Facebook. On my feed is a selection of images supposedly uploaded by different "friends". One of them is called Dawn French Fan Club where an image of flesh pierced with blackheads and pimples shows up every time I sign on to Facebook.

Who is the target of this image? Is it Dawn French who has way more intelligence that posting this image continually, would imply? Is it left wing feminist ideas? I have not found a way to delete this "fan club" posting?

If it's Dawn French who is a successful comedian, what would the reason be?

Misogyny is showing up a lot in comments sections responding to women columnists. Does the Patriarchy feel their power is under attack by humans who develop integrity and work towards social justice and peace? Is White Supremacy a movement to keep the public afraid of the "other". Christianity has slipped in some of its teachings by focusing on the flaws of women like Eve. Making the feminine gender a servant to masculine warmongering. Raising boys to be silent about their feelings has been very successful. Ridiculing men who are not winning all the time?

The trouble with religion is that it requires integrity to maintain its power. There is much wisdom in the bible which is overlooked for the entertainment of the outrageous.

Whatever seems so stupid is published in society over and over again but only if it benefits those who are fearful of peace, justice and sustainability. That is those who fear losing the privilege of being at the top.

Generally we speak of racism, fascism, equality and wealth, as ways of preserving status quo. But this might be a threat to those who have built their success on fear, cruelty and violence. Authoritarian class systems only benefit those at the top who nonetheless feel they are at risk from the masses.

Saturday, 16 March 2024

A second chance for humanity

 The Biblical story of Adam and Eve has been used to support male dominance over female.  Eve is the temptress who is curious even though "God" warns her against eating fruit from the tree.  

Whatever the message in the first chapter of the bible, Misogyny has devoured our world through the worship of power. This is an easy way to keep women and men under the thumb of the status quo. 

Climate change theories are ridiculed because it is men who run the politics of our relationship to the planet and those who speak up about pollution, the life that suffers because of the habit to care only for the creatures linked to human benefit. The idea that all are related has mostly been relegated to religion and science. 

Today in current news papers and magazines many women are blamed for the problems we face, while we are led to believe, the natural way is to compete for the top.

It's easy to fall into "suck it up buttercup" as a response to failure in social justice.  Men who have feelings are trained to believe that business requires them to overcome their personal feelings about corporate and public issues. The subject of fixing stuff falls into who is to blame and who should pay.  Stories that may offer different ideas on why there is so much suffering and violence to the extent that we have not saved our world at all. In fact threats to the planet are laughed off  in spite of scientific studies and proof.

Right now there is a steady flow of bad news regarding survival of life on this planet. And people who are aware we do not have time to argue. We live in a world dominated by bully narratives. Bombs and Guns, Rape and Pillage, as if we haven't learned anything since the Roman Empire.

There are many who are teaching us to do better, to plan for the greater good because competing for the most of what each of us want is devisive and isolating. 

Monday, 11 March 2024

When Weapons Blow Up Your World

Shooter killed 18 People suffered a brain injury. 
The analysis of "his" brain showed degeneration in the nerve fibres that allow for communication between different areas of the brain, inflammation and small blood vessel injury, according to Dr. Ann McKee of Boston University’s Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) Center

I am hearing a lot of news these days. Starvation in Gaza. Bombs killing children. Guns shooting children in school. Women murdered. Arguments from politicians who are trained and skilled at sound bites on morality but whose parties would rather serve petro states. Men denying women safe abortions yet supporting wars where women and children are gunned down or blown up.

I am hearing about corporations who starve their workers while giving billions to the CEO.

Apparently this is simply the way it is and we can't afford social justice, can't afford to care about the homeless, the drug addicts, the victims of rape and child abuse.

This is a poor understanding of the way things are. Nothing comes of nothing. There is a pecking order where those who want to "succeed" must pay attention to.

No point in blaming anyone for the way things are. Ultimately it will be those on the lowest level of the pecking order. We are no better than crows.

To think about morality and our duty to the greater good is a waste of time and energy. Soon we shall be worms slithering in the mud. Then we shall be sorry.

Of course this is the spiral of self-talk when you feel powerless and in pain. This is the late stage of life when your loved ones do everything for you and you know in your bones you have nothing left to give the world.

Soon it will pass and you will write letters to newspapers and publishers you know will not be published. You are living on gratitude for all you have been given in terms of love and support. You even told yourself you will not become a self-defeated spirit but you can't get out of bed and walk to the room where a fire has been lit.

The weapon I am preaching from is the "be realistic" one. "Know your place in the scheme of things". All that you do have is because of others who care about you.

Those who care about justice and social conditions and the morality of truth.

Friday, 8 March 2024

Happy International Women's Day



has known the hunger of a gentle touch

has watched the heavy breast get heavier

stroked the bulging stomach

the hunger then red river of death

this body also watched life grow

in its outer shape

a balloon so hungry

determined to suck up all nutrients

and sugars that enter

and finally the pain

pushing out its contents

a coiled he or she

kicking for more space

its song no-one can hear

pushed stopped

pushed again

relaxed again

pushed and pushing

and pushing until

its parcel slips out

with fluid red and pink

a colour I have no name for

like a burst pipe freeing

its contents so the newborn

can be free

a screeching squaling

newcomer flailing

with all its might

empties its own body

ready for the next meal

in the heavy aching breast

full of warm sweet love.

Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Thoughts on Israel, Palestine, Jews, Christians, Muslims and Americans


Here is a  conversation between Chris Hedges and Rabbi Shaul Magid.  Two educated people who are articulate and aware of their humanity. 

But this issue around the depravity of war and violence is not so much about Jews and Palestinians as it is about an opportunity for other humans to spout their beliefs and their thoughts.

We (humans) should not try and defend our past or blame others. The othering habit is powerful. I have done it for more than 70 years and I understand how convenient it is in this post colonial world. I have used the labelling of people for different reasons quite religiously even though it gets us into trouble. So all the opinions and articles I've read are piercing their way through my mind and stomach. The problem is I still love people. I am dependent upon them. 

My preference is for humans to be present when expressing thoughts but right at this moment there is only one in this room where I have read numerous ideas on Facebook and listened to programs on the radio. But I still come back to this: what is the point of my opinion at this time? What does it matter to the children dying in Gaza or the people who have to get along with others in Israel?

Then I am reminded I was born in England where colonial rule was devastating to all the people with brown complexion and black curls surrounding their beautiful faces. So I suspect my readers think I am being too soft and should just put this computer down and get on with my own little life.

However my own life bumps up against other lives. And others are suffering beyond endurance. Politically I have a part to play representing the conscience of humanity floating like a cloud in the sky, as if that cloud can carry on without us. And I am not a hero.

Somewhere on this earth I must reach out to humanity. Not to say there there. Comfort is not what I have. I do have experience living here and I am totally against the violence while acknowledging the courage of individuals who have, for the sake of providing a home and food to their family entered the force. They are told what to do. They signed up to defend their side but have little control over the orders given. For me to sit in my living room making judgements only pushes the anxiety further into the battle ground.

What I hear is how cruel we have become. How will that help the future?

Sunday, 3 March 2024

What Is The Purpose of War?

 Is it to kill as many people as possible? 

2. To gain land for more wealth? 

3. To remind society that men are more important than women? 

4. To garner interest from news media? 

5. To gain votes from a sleepy public? 

6. To take the place of sports programs where two sides battle and only one side wins because they had more money to invest in their players? 

7. To keep humanity stuck in win/lose narratives so as we don't focus on survival which requires faith in social justice and well being?

8. To wake us up to the fragility that is life so we get back to caring for the world we live in and the people we love?

Saturday, 2 March 2024

Sunshine starts in the hearts and minds of good people

Really good people read the news, read the books, listen to friends and family, play guitar or flute, learn how to sing and how to listen to others.

Reading the work of Sima Elizabeth Shefrin, her stories of humans getting along peacefully, and the art that appears to  comfort us as if we can get through anything as long as we have respect and compassion.

Their goodness doesn't need awards or medals, but their spirit needs to be acknowledged. Media seeks drama, but goodness needs reality for it to prosper. People need nutritious food, shelter, friends and purpose. Which also means access to health care and education.

We are at risk of losing what we have become accustomed to. Trinkets and entertainment enable us to amuse ourselves to death. We urgently need to recognize depth in society.

It has taken centuries to learn how to thrive and this helps us survive. To say I love you to those we love, to bake cookies or prepare a nutritious meal, is worth much more than being a politician, yet we glamourize and ooze over Prime Ministers. Yes we need people who will fulfill roles in maintaining integrity in leadership. We don't need tricksters who turn society upside down by promoting leadership as a form of entertainment, or entertainment as leadership.

A wealth of possessions does not make a better person if that's all they are interested in. That's a fairy tale. Unfortunately corporate media upholds wealth as an extraordinary accomplishment and  we should lick their boots.

To criticize the obvious is not much better. We might see trends as threatening our future but let's not shower morally ill narcissists with adoration for starving humanity of self respect. Lets not annoint heroes with our worship when their power brings suffering to others.

The Reason For World Poverty