Tuesday, 15 September 2020

This Just In!!!

 We have learned the anthro-hyena  doesn't exist. DNA records say there is no evidence of such a creature. At best it's a comic, at worst its a myth designed to make humans feel better about the extent of corruption in the world today.

The problems we face are due to hubris, self-interest, vanity and greed. These are all created by humans who view the world as an opportunity for self-aggrandizement. 

There are humans who have learned how to trick the masses into believing that some people are worth more than others while focusing on constructs that abuse and denigrate all life.

This is bad news. Infinite Power apologizes for your loss ~ no one is to blame except for you and me and we have to do something about it.

You will lose sleep, you will be crushed by anxiety and you will find hope in choosing to do what benefits all of life on this planet ~ or much of it anyway.

First you might scale down your expectations of what you can achieve alone. Then question everything you read and see. Is it scientifically proven and do you know enough about science to understand the results?

Lastly don't despair. You were not born to have such large bank accounts that you have to hold your money in offshore accounts. You were not born to be sexy for your whole life. You were not born to be an expert with the correct answer for everything. If you believe you know everything and you are the most powerful person in the world ~ you are a slave to your ego.

The problems we face are huge but since it's humans who caused most of them, it's humans who can re-build society so that we can survive.

There are no prizes for this work other than the continuation of our partnership with nature.

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