Saturday, 19 September 2020

Conscience Is Our Superpower

 The Strongman Far Right Ruler claims he will win the election because he has nurtured in his people, anger and hate. He has given them guns so they can go out and kill whoever is different from them. Guns are power because they can kill and cannot be killed themselves. Guns are made of metal and triggers. 

The Gun lobbies knew that in the short run the easiest way to hang on to power is to override conversation, to kill the voice of humanity and democracy is with weapons that kill but cannot hear.  The ruling elites are not interested in the suffering of people. They are tired of that kind of truth, so they have invented a new medium for elections — fear.

This is not new of course and although centuries of suffering and torture has been recorded in history and film, that narrative has been silenced. From a vast jungle of plants and animals, all that remains now are winners and losers.

The winners have guns, bombs and money. The losers have only conscience, intention and a love for life. The winners have dispensed with these things: conscience, intention and love. The winners don't need truth or education. They just need to win. Each year the city becomes more brutal while the castle grows stronger and cannons louder.

Eventually the survivors will believe that democracy, community, and education were a waste of time and money. Silencing the song of the bird and the wind. Then the winners will be flattened by the mundane existence that dominates their world with contempt.

Contempt for your experience, your feelings, your knowledge and facts. The landscape will be stripped of grass, ants and frogs. Soil will blow in the wind and all that remains are rocks.

Rocks have no voice if there is no-one to hear it. Winning has no purpose on a planet where nothing can hear its songs.

The only thing we have is our conscience. The only power we have that is greater than death is the conscience we have while we live.

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