Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Conversation, CBC and the Facts

I woke up this morning after a good night's rest and listened to CBC Early Edition, drifting in an out of sleep, then listened to Matt Galloway's interview with Bob Woodward, who writes for the Washington Post.

At first my emotions said I don't want to listen to more news about Trump and US politics. But I did want to hear a conversation between Matt and Bob.

Bob's new book "Rage" was the subject and there are a few things that stuck out in my memory of this interview.

When asked if Trump is a racist Bob said he doesn't use those terms, he reports on facts. Now the 'facts' he talked about was Trump's response to COVID as news was travelling from China to North America. On mentioning ways of protecting the American people from the virus and reports from medical experts, Trump accused Bob of having drunk the "Kool-aid".

This is a fact because Bob had the conversation and Trump used the term "Kool-aid."

What do you think? There is a fact. You decide. You have the capacity to gather facts as well as educated opinions. 

I appreciated that interview, Matt Galloway, The Current and the CBC radio.

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