Saturday, 23 December 2017

Trafficking ideas and outrage

"Self-regulation works well in a commons – a resource controlled and managed by a community. But the streets are not a commons. They are a state asset, that is treated as a free for all. When the state owns a resource but won’t control it, the community has neither the right nor the power to regulate its use. All that is left is voluntarism. The efforts of those who try to defend the common good are undermined by free riders. Without regulation, the most selfish and anti-social people dominate." George Monbiot

What will it take to bring the world back into the hands and minds of humanity and away from the obsession with wealth and power?  

I am trying to offer a space for positive life-affirming ideas, but first we need to tackle the vomit of contempt rolling down the mountain from those who hold positions of influence but who have no interest in leadership.

We need to find a way to work together for the greater good.


  1. "We need to find a way to work together for the greater good."
    One good way is to read and consider the work of Derek Parfit, the British philosopher who died in 2017. "The Guardian" presents a good introduction to his life and work in their obituary.

  2. "But if, argued Parfit, I can have reason to take care of my future self (by not drinking copious whisky, say, even if to do so is my greatest immediate desire), then I can also have reason to take care of other people, even if I now feel strongly disinclined to." Thank you for the link Bob.


The Reason For World Poverty