Sunday, 17 December 2017

Deliverology and the road to Hell

Andrew Nikiforuk delivered another insightful article on the Tyee, November 28. Now I confess I haven't read much about Deliverology  but I am familiar with narratives that organize reality into fragments of manageability.

Michael Barber is apparently the author of this 'technology' which began in the UK.

Writes Nikiforuk "Barber argues there are “five paradigms of system reform: trust and altruism; hierarchy and targets; choice and competition; devolution and transparency; privatization.”"

This is how the economy is placed in the centre of life. For many decades I was impressed with new ideas and technologies, seeking ways in which we could all agree to do the right thing. But no matter how smart we are or how squeaky the newspeak - things get worse, not better.

I have never managed to be altruistic enough to change the world - why is that? Because I packaged the world as a whole living construct with one design, one nature and one purpose. But one in which I and my loved ones would be okay.

That is to say, I was willing to sign on to a movement as long as my self interest was protected. The nightmare is - coming to terms with my own fearful ego. Holding back on what is good because I don't trust that it would work.

Systems development separated me from the authority of life and its power. We are fake managers. I keep talking to myself about how to save the world as though I was a separate entity, as though I was above that which I spoke of.

This is how good intentions become crippled and shady and how dangerous narrators internalize their demise. They are not in control of the universe because none of us are. But rather than come home to that family it is easier to seek scapegoats to blame.

What we really need is enough nutritious food, health services, and homes. We need parents who have time to love and nurture their children. We need friends who will listen to us and share good advice. We need to honour the organic wheel of life with kindness and inclusion. We don't need experts to deliver that. 

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