Monday, 18 December 2017

This space could be filled with

news about community newspapers closing, being funded by US hedge funds, racist groups growing in large numbers, women routinely sexually assaulted, harassed, sacked and dismissed, religions sold out to big business and  theology re-written to make profit a sacred duty, young children bullied into winning sports at any cost, homes no longer available to all but used as investment, wars created for the arms industry, wildlife dying all around us because of climate change, etc. etc. - but enough of that.

I don't believe that people are stupid and greedy - I believe that the system wants us to be greedy, stupid, selfish and cruel - but we don't have to be. That is if we have enough wealth to own or rent a home in a friendly neighbourhood, and enough food to eat.

Perhaps capitalism may get its due if we stop spending money on unnecessary things and focus on things that will help us build and support community.

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