Sunday, 31 December 2017

No. 5: Humour

5: humour - relieving stress through humility and being able to laugh at ourselves.   

Humour directed towards our selves and our egos has saved us for centuries. The ancient Greeks and Romans staged dramas where the citizens were obliged to attend.

The Roman Empire at the height of its powers were mostly known for the gladiators and blood sport for entertainment. That is not humour. It's dehumanization. But they also gave us Commedia dell'arte which became Pantomime.

Humour that helps to relieve stress portrays characters we recognize as forms of ourselves, who make mistakes and stumble through to a happy or sad resolution.

Rick Mercer, Shaun Majumder, Cathy Jones, Mary Walsh are a few actors/writers who poke fun at us through recognizable stereotypes. Then there are the world renown comedians like Trevor Noah who really poke holes through current politics.
Humour is complex and many of our comedians are truly brilliant philosophers.

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