Sunday, 10 December 2017

Good, Better, Best

If you're looking for ideas on ethical gifts - here are a few that are more likely to produce gratitude for the coming year.

  1. A membership gift for the future - The Leap Manifesto. A future of responsible policies, government and business leaders who are working beyond the next budget or election.
  2. News outlets that write as though humanity is important - National Observer  
  3. subscription to a Socially responsible think tank - Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
  4. Groups working for and educating the public on the Environment - Suzuki Foundation
  5. Books about living well - The Art of Power by Thich Nhat Hanh
  6. Gifts made by small crafts businesses - Indian Summer Leather Purses
  7. Spa treatments - Hale Aloha Wellness Spa 
  8. Paintings created by artists that are still alive - Mindy Joseph Paintings
  9. Books of poetry by poets who are not dead - Anima Canadensis , Flightpaths, Hush, The Way of Tanka and others.
Buy fair trade goods and treats, food that is nutritious, music that is inspiring, gift certificates for local business, donations for causes that gladden the heart.

By the way - this blog did not receive any payments for the items I listed. Nor did the writer.

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