Friday, 5 January 2024

Why Do I Write These Posts?

Because news and media articles can write about action to change or defend laws, but does not allow media to talk about why the laws are there, why there is outrage for some and not for others. Mainly because (I suspect) writing on feelings does not produce proof.

For example there is much coverage on public outrage or support. The back rooms and town halls that initiate or stop action, the NIMBY acts, the Anti-Abortion movement, the Anti-immigrant protests, and anti-tax protests. My mind rolls over and over thinking about the why's.

The danger is spreading my own unexamined prejudices. It's easy for me to think, no more generalizations from this blog or mouth. Write only what you know. But I fail to stick to that.

In my head there exists a lot of noise, a lot of questions, then a lot of suspicion. It's an Orwellian disease. Even the author of 1984 used a pen name. Why?

But I refuse to keep my laptop unplugged when so much injustice has been done to so many. I refuse to fall asleep straight away when I climb into bed.

Back to the anti-abortion movement as it evolves in the states where life only has value if it creates profit. The night time is where my emotions rule.

There is a belief that emotion should not govern politics and yet it shows up in acts of racist and misogynist habits.

For example, the recent cases of women being charged with murder after miscarrying. The women who have no money for food or housing being criminalized for getting pregnant while the men who provided the womb with the seed never even face accusation without a costly legal trial.

I am way past believing the anti-abortion movement is about the right to life when men organize wars and women who have the money to pay for medical care, go unchallenged in their right for health.

For centuries, only women who were part of a moneyed family could press charges against rape or get an education. The poor were called trash then and we treat them like trash today, but disguised in a moral gloss of self-control. 

Capitalism has enabled us to spout opinions without demanding any cost or responsibility from us. Socially there is a cost but we don't seem to talk about it enough. The homeless, the poor, the hungry, are problems. But pollution and climate change are "issues" separate from our own moral obligations.

What emerges in so-called conservative ridings are ways to ensure the people of colour, the women and children are locked into road blocks. A woman trying to escape a violent partner is given a death sentence when she gets pregnant. It sounds extreme but that is the reality.

Children born into a family of domestic abuse, suffer during their most vulnerable years and become adults with no self-esteem without tireless inner work on themselves.

Men lauded as heroes receive admiration starting wars, corporations that create bombs and guns, yet are ridiculed for acknowledging feelings of regret. 

Most of our injustices begin inside our heads where we give up space or rights or voice without trying. Believing we have no power is the first gate to overcome. Next is attempting to control others (what they think and say).

Today I am not going to apologize for talking about the politics that matters to me.

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