Saturday, 20 January 2024

Imagining a Hundred Years in the Future


Based on the politics today  - we hear of wars, using children as enemy targets, the re-establishment of misogyny, racism and fascism - the end of democracy and civilization. 

The centuries of witch hunts silenced feminine wisdom making it the servant of white male power.  Capitalism created the working class used in factories and religious beliefs that preached poverty as laziness. Very useful for right wing politics.

Where is this trend heading? Cruelty as threat to community. Family and friends competing for status.  Political parties who make a woman's body the property of the nation. Holding up the law as the means to deliver justice but not if you're female. A new slave trade. In China female infants sold or drowned.

Schools train children to serve factories (or offices if the're lucky).  Training to make them useful in factories and offices. The High Street to sell off your wares, to install consumerism in the town. Shopping centres to display the things you need to buy.

New fashions to show off your dedication to modernity. Reshuffling the class system through media and education. Praise for those who had the money to buy it.

WWI and WWII to threaten the peace and turn notions of morality into courage to fight on battlefields designed by people you'd never meet. Public calls to annihilate newly identified minorities. New minorities to exploit while claiming to offer a home to those displaced by war.

Television in everyones home to watch shows where everyone competes and only one or two win. Desperate struggles to win the top prize. Showing off young children to old folks, singing in front of moving cameras, promising fame and wealth. 

Will this end? If so how will it end? 

There are powers that seek absolute control.  A future designed by clever minds to further centralize power.

How can we promise a future for all life on this planet? Will we recognize ourselves in a hundred years? As long as we humans create systems that benefit a few while looking for scapegoats our future is not utopian. 

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