Tuesday, 23 January 2024

The Death of Humanity and The Rise of Artificial Morality

For some reason that might be easy to guess, knowing that guesses only inspire further learning, I see a pattern that indicates the death of humanity as power becomes the greatest addiction.

Chris Hedges has warned of our inability to fully support life over power rather than power over life. Moral outrage has been silenced and replaced with everlasting war against "the other". 

Toxic masculinity has invaded the public spaces like schools and business. When artificial intelligence becomes big business and billionaires develop a cocky response to questions of doing the right thing for the greater good.

We have become alienated from our own best interests, such as survival for all, not just the fittest. We have swallowed so many slogans in our enthusiasm for worldliness, being "well informed". 

How can we stop the endless slaughter of innocents during war? Will the future be endless war imposed on innocents until we no longer notice? Over the centuries of variously labelled wars and struggles for peace, we leave, escape, find new lands to live, rename ourselves, start new religions and buy new things.

Where is this headed? Full worship of things and fear of whatever we can't control?

The end of birth giving feminine? Education and medicine is out of reach for many. Death of intelligence, art, love, music, dance? In countries where women are not allowed in public unless they are covered head to foot, not allowed to be seen or heard, is more than reminiscent of the days when children should be seen and not heard, while women who speak in public are locked in stocks.

Men create society with money, literature, sport, law and entertainment, while the men who thumb their nose as trends and manners, become "great" in the public eye.

Now the voice of bipoc and  women is acknowledged, there is white supremacy, racism and misogyny threatening our peace. A nervous reaction to reason that makes violence predictable.

Where is this headed? Will the feminine gender be herded naked into cold sheds without heat and food, until they die and a brave new world (Huxley) is created?

For our own mental health we need to be aware that new movements start and they are not always in our best interests. Men questioning their personal greatness, creating worlds where everything is overlooked except their own importance. A world where children are tortured, starved and murdered, where education and social integrity is dismissed for fast cars and rockets?

Is this ridiculous? If so what is holding our society in place?


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