Sunday, 31 December 2023

Ask the difficult questions without expecting easy answers

Where did I put the calendars I purchased from Elizabeth? Why can't I stand up and look through the cupboards to find lost things? And why can't I remember things when my balance is poor?

What will it take for the majority of kind, caring and considerate people to influence the isolated lonely souls who seek only to rule the world? It's past time for us to understand that war and violence harms us all even if we gain wealth from it, it's only fleeting small things like trinkets and fame? 

The billionaires who stash wealth away from sight for fear of being taxed too much, who put locks on their doors and keep guns in their night table, send their kids to private schools and only wear clothes no-one else can afford - that is to design a lifestyle where they their positions are undisputed, where they have proved to the world they are number one, must be really stressed out. They must need our sympathy not jealousy. 

Life is given mysteriously beyond the sperm and the egg. We have no control which one will enter the waiting egg. No control over the quality of that union, egg or sperm. The anti-abortion movement fears what? When does my power become someone else's responsibility?

When does life begin? 

When does my responsibility begin?

What can I do to support a world where we have empathy before judgement? How can I be a responsible citizen where the majority of us weigh the burdens of our needs without knowing everything that happens?

Our minds and knowledge and education can liberate us to a degree, but we cannot control everything unless we kill everything we hear or see? Currently we have some souls who dedicate their working lives to kill thousands or millions and some who may be planning to kill everything else but how can we talk to them, listen to their fears?

There are so many who are needy of shelter, food, companionship and self-respect, because we have been raised in worlds that profess to value only the top.

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