Saturday, 29 July 2023

We Are Traumatized Animals

We live in a system. That's not a problem. What is though is it's created by and for those who have access to the meetings - in person and in funding. 

Let's forget the hierarchy for a minute. What do they work for? The good of those present and those who have joined the group.

A young man said to me when I asked him what values do his friends have in terms of social and political engagement? He said you don't talk politics, religion or money - everyone knows that!

He is a successful young man. Has a family, friends, a good job, a beautiful successful wife and two enthusiastic children.

They value their friends and family. They value comfort, good food and good health. They are not impressed with greed or selfishness. But I was a little alarmed when he said "you don't talk politics" with your friends. 

I understand why. I have been dropped from dinner parties because I defend social justice and have a tendency to prioritize social duty over power. My friends and family must be tired of hearing my opinion.

Where to draw the line? Take an interest in what other people think, delve further into what and why without being too nosy. Most of all listen and let them know you are interested in what they think. Let them know they are more valuable than experts and media believe.

The problem is we have all been traumatized by capitalism and before that we were traumatized by feudalism and the class we were born into.

Racism and gender are more reasons we stumble over reality which is different for each person. We try so hard to do the right thing, think the right way, yet there is so much we don't know.

If I share knowledge of a documentary I watched last night I might be revealing I know something my friends don't yet. How many of us ask our peers what they have learned, what they think? We become a type to others. So we join clubs where we meet others of like-mind. I hate being uninformed yet my life revolves around abilities and to-do lists.

It's okay to not know everything - we can keep learning, but one thing I keep in mind is everyone carries a burden of some kind. Everyone has suffered. 

Our world is run by common values and tricksters. Lovingkindness is needed first and foremost even for those who are cruel leaders. But we must stop paying lip service to wealth and power. Life is more powerful than money. If you think that's ridiculous ask yourself what you would choose - a million bucks or your family. 


The Reason For World Poverty