Tuesday, 1 August 2023

Can we Trust Each Other?


"The problem is that the will of those we should trust – each other – is constantly thwarted by the will of those we shouldn’t. Political and electoral systems, governed from the centre, are designed to grant us a semblance of ownership and control, while depriving us of real power. The political parties that claim to represent us too often respond instead to the demands of the powerful: media barons, corporations, party funders. In extreme cases, such as the UK’s current government, they are reduced to corporate lobbyists, delivering the country to the most antisocial interests." https://www.monbiot.com/2023/08/01/the-door-is-that-way/

That is to say - the powers that will help us survive, are those we have embedded in ourselves and our supports that we know are attempting to heal the world through enquiry and social justice.

All the political systems we have supported are not perfect. We give our money and attention to them, not because "we believe" in them but because we know that it's possible to create a society where most of us vote and hope for, is one based on justice, fairness and empathy.

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