Tuesday, 15 August 2023

A Threatened Planet and People Who Insist On Winning

My bigger regret is that the national conversation is in the hands of producers chasing ratings and advertising dollars, with no regard for how they’re distorting the public’s understanding of what’s important or the core choices lying ahead." https://robertreich.substack.com/p/what-dr-phil-wants-me-to-do 


While environmental scientists and activists fight for the very survival of the habitable planet, the fossil fuel, meat and internal combustion industries are fighting for their economic survival. Either they are regulated out of existence or human society across much of the world will fail. We cannot all win: either these industries survive or we do. But we can all lose, because, eventually, they will go down with the rest of us.

The sole purpose of CCS is to justify the granting of more oil and gas licences, on the grounds that one day someone might be able to capture and bury the CO2 they produce. It’s no coincidence that Sunak announced both policies – more licences and CCS – in the 
same statement. It would be wrong to say the technology doesn’t work. It works precisely as intended, even if it never materialises: it is a highly successful method of buying more time for the fossil fuel industry. https://www.monbiot.com/2023/08/08/running-amoc/

And I have sunk again into a pit of despair scrolling down Social Media knowing the further I go the deeper will be the depression. 

It is so easy to be cynical while I want an opportunity to briefly appear witty or smart. Want to find the best joke in my head while it appears to me that our species is done.

Change the channel. Strategic plan, love everyone, hate no-one, move to the edge.

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