Thursday, 27 July 2023

What Exactly is Well Behaved in a world that feeds profit into offshore banks?


When people who defend human principles such as kindness and cooperation and the desire to build society for people are ridiculed and dismissed, how about we look at what is happening?

What is feared so much? To whom is hate directed? Is it a principle of survival and cooperation, is it kindness, or is money and power the only thing that counts among those redeemed as the leadership class? The highly educated get annoyed when I ask such a question. There are no solutions! 

Those presented in the media as the ones who survived and are winning, have ideas on how to survive based on their own personal success but they are busy surviving themselves. It's a glossy magazine of a theory, like the Royal Family, the heroes, the ones with perfect bodies and good education.

But most people are left to overcome hunger, depression or homelessness. Questions about why we suffer and why we continue to choose small quick fixes instead of a complete overhaul is mostly, I suspect, we don't have the power to fix everything.

Also I don't prescribe getting really upset, or worse, start out to save the world based on one person or party's observations. But the fact remains that the majority of souls on this planet have been, and continue to be exploited.

I would go further and say those who are expected to fix things are quite happy to keep things as they are because they benefit from the system. They are not evil they simply have been educated to win at all costs. The tragedy is we punish them with threats.

All living creatures are afraid of something, and rather than try and comfort them, there are those who seek to climb onto their shoulders.

Try saying at a business meeting or political gathering, our duty is to care for those who suffer so they don't choose to harm others. Sure, Buddha, Thich Nhat Han, your local priest and your children's teachers would say yes to kindness. But we are a long way off from a society that can guarantee our safety.

The recently deceased beautiful and talented musician, Sinnead O'Connor suffered from mental illness she claims from a mother, and a church who tortured those trusted to their care. We know about this suffering because of what happened to our First Nations children taken from their tribes and homes in order to "beat" the Indian out of them.

What is it that a concerned person should do besides sending money to social/political projects to save the world - a world not just crawling with different species, but human beings and their histories and biases.

Save the world and donate a hundred bucks to this cause, and that project.

These words are too big for little people like me. Sure I can send money, read the news, sign petitions and vote, but there is the meat of reason missing in this.

We live in a capitalist system that is good for many reasons but mostly unconcerned about the effect of competition and judgement towards those who suffer, such as the hungry, homeless, battered or alienated.

The media leads in stories (news) about violence and extreme wealth. Trotting out a list of where the reader may benefit from the suffering of others although it would not be told that way. Blindly we think women who work in the sex trade are happy.

Cruelty is not just a freedom to choose, but a link to all the tensions and fears of a system that creates wealth for a few, survival of a majority, and misery for others.

There is a sneering from the "winners" when they speak of their success and young males are taught to mistrust their feelings in order to become men. Without this influencers would not be able to organize wars and media lies so that weapons industries thrive.

The corporation wants staff who can play the game. Strategize problems so the corporation wins. Problem with strong moral and principled people? Fire them before they influence other staff, and if its against the principles written in their constitution then make their position miserable so they will resign. And don't waste good victims. Once victimized they are good examples of the power wielded over them. They are failures.

Failures, cripples and idiots are manufactured in society so the rulers can feel more powerful. Sports, board games and beauty contests are ways of exploiting humanity. Isolated units competing for the most of what each wants, alienates us from family.

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The Reason For World Poverty