Monday, 9 May 2022

War & Fascism Is Not Christian

"The war industry loves the Christian fascists who turn every conflict from Iraq to Ukraine into a holy crusade to crush the latest iteration of Satan. The Christian fascists believe military power, and the “manly” virtues that come with it, are blessed by God, Jesus, and the Virgin Mary. No military budget is too big. No war waged by America is evil."

Before Christianity became an instrument of Patriarchal White Supremacy, Man was a thinking feeling creature with complex emotions, since then as he has been represented in war and fascism as a unit in the ruler's army. 

What kind of genius has invented a machine addicted to false depictions of itself, that swallows the mind games played upon his own spirit?

When television and movies became popular after WWII, the mind games played on men and women throughout history became an absolute stream of mind control through public programming.

Meanwhile the War Industry is designing the next catastrophe and calling it "Gods will". The war industry is the god of capitalism. Man is its puppet and Woman its toy.

Whatever remains of our conscience must be called into service: to care for the fragile feelings bombarded with capitalist media and entertainment. We cannot survive if we sit this one out. But we are not expected to fix it alone.

A forgotten resource is that which men have been trained to ridicule: family, community, conscience and compassion.

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