Wednesday, 4 May 2022

Living Through The Collapse for Those Who Think Too Much

When the United States of America decided their money has to go to the arms industry rather than their people, their education, infrastructure - they chose death over life, which precipitated all the other noise like book banning, anti-abortion, anti-democracy, anti-critical race theory - it is part of the anti-human focus. But no ruler is going to come out and say he hates the complexity of life, that would be admitting he is overwhelmed trying to figure out how to deal with it all.

I have met people who get angry and who carry their anger to the detriment of their own enjoyment of life.  For some the goal of ruling the world is mostly to silence all the voices other than their own. They cannot live within a society. Spite and cruelty is about all they spit out. And when such a person as this seeks public office, they take their anger out on those who think differently. They become terrorists over their own nation.

When two competing powerful empires hold all the wealth and power, the world becomes a playground for their leaders. The entire world is subjected to their despotism and they are willing to destroy everything for the sake of winning while everything else collapses.

Conservative voices say we can't afford to feed, educate,  provide health care to everyone - we have to watch the budget, the economy. Really what they are saying is, we give up. Then they have to manufacture a cause, find scapegoats, marginalize and blame people. Why? Because we cannot admit we hate problems, we have no patience to be real leaders. We just want the power, the crown and the castle.

Each generation has larger problems to deal with and there are no solutions because the mental health of our society requires a thorough interrogation. Where have we come from? When did our problems begin? Whose job is it to fix this? 

Where have we come from? The ocean, a cave, hunger and pain. Might makes right in earlier histories, such as they are. But love and curiosity has helped us survive.

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