Sunday, 8 May 2022

Happy Mothers' Day

Happy Mother’s Day

the sky you  held up for generations

sleepless nights of worry when you learned 

how the game is played

protecting the sanctity of life is yours alone

to bear while your brothers must learn

how to kill … new laws to signal the greatness

of your highly paid leader who cannot find worth

in himself unless he makes you cry

it is your task to carry the life inside

for 9 months while men must abuse

by organizing how that life lives

so if abortion is against the law 

but killing unarmed people is okay why not 

get a histerectomy — fertility is the sin

in this post-modern world

and treason to say this outloud 

but to torture mothers who can’t house

or feed the babies they bring in to the world

or force the rapist to contribute has no support. 

Do not blame your sons and brothers

—blame all the systems that drove feeling 

out of the corporate brain

bullying the flesh for profit

held in locked up vaults while

you and I cannot prove they exist.

Power has become a magician’s trick

you and I will  torture oursleves to death 

trying to win.

Dear universal mother, dear sun, rain and wind

if you love whatever cries out for love

—you shall find the secret to your power.

Hold it in your heart until you die.

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