Friday, 10 December 2021


I am currently listening to CBC the Current which is broadcasting things we can do to bring down the carbon footprint.

A lot of science and energy language I do not understand but what was mentioned is the connection between climate and our mental health.  The power we have to affect change, to invest in the future with our own integrity.

The lift from listening to the daily news and weather reports to ideas about my involvement is emotionally tangible. I do feel down and burdened when faced with problems in our society and must be careful not to pass that on to friends and family.

Thoughts can so easily shift from "we are doomed" to what can I do? What abilities do I have.

This is just the beginning of change - the move from "we are doomed" to what have I got to offer.

First listen to scientists, teachers and neighbours. Explore ideas that promote the gifts we have rather than just the mistakes we have made.

But whatever you do, don't fall into the 'why bother when the worlds most powerful nation voted to spend $778 billion on the military while many of their citizens are homeless, hungry and crying for infrastructure'.

Bombs and dollars are no replacement for life.

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