Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Signs of Slide into a Police State

" last-minute amendments crowbarred by the government into the police, crime, sentencing and courts bill are a blatant attempt to stifle protest, of the kind you might expect in Russia or Egypt." 

This is the UK now, reported by George Monbiot on his blog. Most of media never reported or commented.  "It looks like a deliberate ploy to avoid effective parliamentary scrutiny. Yet in most of the media there’s a resounding silence."

"Among the new amendments are measures that would ban protesters from attaching themselves to another person, to an object, or to land. Not only would they make locking on – a crucial tool of protest the world over – illegal, but they are so loosely drafted that they could apply to anyone holding on to anything, on pain of up to 51 weeks’ imprisonment." George Monbiot

I am trying to write positive things as we approach the holiday season but I feel so full of dread for the future. It sits in my chest like a grey beast.

The other night we watched a documentary on the life of Mandela as South African blacks struggled to get democracy by winning the vote. There was so much violence during that struggle. Then I listened to CBC radio about African Americans trying to find freedom in Canada.

Are humans evil? That's the question that haunts me, yet there are so many who are helping those who need help. Anti-poverty, fighting for homes for the homeless, fighting for definitions that connect us to nature. 

What has become clear to me is how frightened we are, unable to bind together a sense of peace. 

Looking for my place in all this. What I can do. What I should do. How to survive without harming others. How to write a path that acknowledges our concern and compassion. 

I do know it's not in my best interest to support governments and movements hostile to the most vulnerable. There is nothing great about policies that harm minorities while allowing billionaires to create privilege for a few.

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