Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Misogyny, Misandry & Misanthropy


"The Epstein case is important because, however much is being covered up, it is a window into the scourge of male violence that explodes in decayed cultures, fueled by widening income disparities, the collapse of the social contract and the grotesque entitlement that comes with celebrity, political power, and wealth. When a ruling elite perverts all institutions, including the courts, into instruments that serve the exclusive interests of the entitled, when it willfully neglects and abandons larger and larger segments of the population, girls and women always suffer disproportionally.

The struggle for equal pay, equal distribution of wealth and resources, access to welfare, legal aid that offers adequate protection under the law, social services, job training, healthcare, and education services, have been so degraded they barely exist for the poor, especially poor girls and women." Chris Hedges

What is a decayed culture? What is a culture that is alive, healthy and vital? What do you bring to your culture?

Do you write letters to the editor to support the vulnerable? Do you argue with narratives that diminish life, do you protest exploitation, do you support small business, do you speak to strangers with respect? 

If you are spending all your time and energy taking care of humans, young or old, you are fighting against corruption. When you listen to someone who is heartbroken you are helping to heal them. When you are engaged in any activity that cares for life in all its forms, you possess integrity.

If you are a predator you have moved away from your humanity into the world of constructed hate which abuses and alienates your own self.

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